Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I know this seems kind of long but this poem was read in class the other day and I HAD to share it with you all! It is important to remember that we are never alone in this world. Though at times we may feel physically alone incapable of succeeding,we must believe that we are strong when we turn to the Savior and follow him. He is here to watch over, protect, guide and succor us. He knows what we need before we know what we need. Trust in him. Like we are told -it may not be easy, but it will be worth it! Enjoy…. :)

 After All We Can Do

By Robbie Pierce
I’d been in that hole for a very long time –
In the dark and the damp, in the cold and the slime.
The shaft was above me; I could see it quite clear,
But there’s no way I ever could reach it from here.
Nor could I remember the world way up there,
So I lost all my hope and gave into despair.

I knew nothing but darkness, the floors, and the walls,
When from off in the distance I heard someone call,
“Get up! Get ready! There’s nothing the matter!
Take rocks and take sticks and build up a fine ladder.”
This had never occurred to me, had not crossed my mind,
So I started to stack all the stones I could find.

When I ran out of stones, the old sticks were my goal,
For some way or another I’d get out of that hole.
So I soon had a ladder that was really quite tall,
And I thought, “I’ll soon leave this place once and for all!”
Then I climbed up my ladder, it was no easy chore –
For from lifting those boulders my shoulders were sore.
So I worked and I climbed and at last had to stop,
For my ladder stopped short – some ten feet from the top.

I climbed back down the ladder and felt all around,
But there were no more boulders nor sticks to be found.
I went back to my ladder and started to cry.
I’d done all I could do; I gave my best try.

But in spite of my work, in this hole I must die,
And all I could do was to sit and think, “Why?”
Was my ladder too short? Or my hole much too deep?
Then from way up on high came a voice: “Do not weep.”
And then hope, love, and faith entered my chest,
As the voice said to me that I’d done my best.

He said, “Nothing’s the matter.  There’s reason to hope.
Just climb up your ladder; I’ll throw down my rope.
You have worked very hard, and your labor’s been rough,
But the ladder you’ve built is at last tall enough.”
I climbed up the ladder, then climbed up the cord.
When I stood at the top, there stood the Lord. 

I’ve never been happier; my struggle was done.
I blinked in the brightness that came from the Son.
I fell to the ground; his feet did I kiss.
I cried, “What can I do to repay thee for this?”
He looked all around Him – there were holes in the ground.
They had people inside, and were seen all around.

There were thousands of holes that were damp, dark, and deep.
Then the Lord turned to me and He said, “Feed my sheep.”
Then He went on His way to help other lost souls.
And I got right to work, calling down to the holes,
“Get up!  Get ready! There’s nothing the matter!
Take rocks and take sticks and build up a find ladder!”

It now was my turn to spread the good word.
The most glorious message that man ever heard.
That there’s One who is willing to save one and all,
And we’ve got to be ready when He gives the call.
He’ll pull us all out of the hole that we’re in,
And save all our souls from death and from sin.

So do not lose faith; there is reason to hope:
Just build up your ladder; He’ll throw down His rope.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

…and so it begins- :)…. on a spiritual note

Ok guys….this is my first official blog…EVER. :) This is kinda exciting! this might be a bit scatter-brained (as I usually am) and so I can say you were warned- I tend to go off on tangents,my grammar isn't the best, and I kinda make up my own rules when it comes to punctuation marks :) so just stick with me here and try not to get too distracted  :) …
So, I was sitting in church today and had this overwhelming feeling of love and gratitude and realized that those kinds of feelings should be shared- for a few reasons. 1) To never forget them and 2) To help others remember those feelings they've had.
Lately, I've been letting myself get caught up in all the confusion that comes along with life. There are so many things that I can't control and can't seems to understand. Now, all of you who know me, Know that I'm a "gotta know all and now" kinda personality (don't worry I'm working on the patience thing(; ) If something's going on with friends or family or with me- I wanna know what, when, why, how, who..etc..You can only imagine what I'm like during Christmas-staring at boxes full of -I don't know what! …but don't misunderstand- I still love surprises.  hint hint.. ;)
Ok-back on track- so sometimes I get so overwhelmed with the things going on right in front of me that I forget to get out of my own head and see the "bigger picture" of my life. Today was a good "get outta yo head jme and see whats really important here" day. In church one of my leaders asked some questions that really had me thinking and questioning my own personal motives for the things I do. He asked us a few questions about commitments and who we are committed to in this life. "Whose jersey are you wearing?"- long story short- whose team am I on in this life. This question got me thinking about the choices I've made in my life up to this point. To skip a long detailed story of my past, lets just say that I like many of us, have made some pretty good choices…and not so good of choices throughout my years, and yet- Ive always ended up extremely blessed. No matter my choices- my Heavenly Father finds a way to bless me. Maybe not right at first- consequences are a part of growth, but eventually, the blessings always come- even when I don't deserve them. Today I realized that Ive become accustomed to these blessings- and thats not ok. Today, the lord let me realize just how blessed I am and reminded me of those moments when I wasn't as aware of him in my life and the light he's brought and brings into it.Today, I became more converted to the Savior. I can't describe how I feel. Its a free, happy, desire to do better, be better, help others, laugh more, love more, hug tighter, kinda feel. (if that makes sense) So I came home from church, spoke with my fam, listened to some awesome EFY songs (yes I love efy songs even though I only went once) and this song came on- it explains quite well how I am feeling. Look it up an listen to it if you've never heard it. Its fun.

 EFY 2010 "walking in sunlight"

It's a beautiful day
Even though it's dark out there
You've got sun on your face
You take it with you everywhere
And it warms your heart that's beating
It comes from believing
And it's a beautiful, a beautiful feeling

It's like walking in sunlight
When the whole world is covered in rain clouds
You're walking in sunlight
Finding the truth and living it loud
Yeah, when you know what's right
It's like walking in sunlight, sunlight

Oh, it's amazing to me
How someone else can find
The light that they need
Radiating in your eyes
Then it warms their heart that's beating
And suddenly your leading them
To that beautiful, beautiful feeling


Oh, it's easy to forget how blessed we are
But life's better when we remember
When we remember


Sunlight, sunlight
Sunlight, sunlight
After all is said and done- that "confusion"that life brings- that gets me so frustrated at times - is nothing more than a teenie tiny little pebble in my road.(the right perspective can change Everything!!)  Its not a big boulder as I had always imagined it being. All I gotta do is kick it off my path and outta my way. 
So I start another semester here at BYUI- pebble free for now- and I can't wait for what life brings my way. If you have felt how I did- Im a pretty good pebble kicker i think-and I love to help when I can- but we all know who the best one is- our older bother, Savior and friend- Jesus Christ. He is the reason I can be pebble free. And for that I will forever be grateful and always smile- because smiling is my favorite :)

(hope I made sense to ya- and you were able to do some good reflecting on the blessings in your own life- cause we all have them- we just have to pay attention :)  I love you, I love live, I love the lord.
jme :D